Co***ny Introduction TianJiangYIYuan oil painting is a colony system corporation, which has a large numbers of professional painters to open up market rogether. We produce all kinds of oil paintings, including Figure; Animal; Sea scenery; Still life; Storesront; Ballet; Mediterranean; News subject; Pointillism; Pairs scenery; Flower; Portait: Street scenery; Land scape; Van Gogh; Abstract; Garden scenery; Lenpika; Heavy-color painting; Impressionistic; Children etc. Wiht the excellent equipment, cusummate technology. "Confidence and Credit standing" is our service tenet. We are looking forward to establish business relation with you. We assure you of giving you the best of our productions. At the same time. We also welcome all dealers can act as an agent of our oil paintings. we'll provide purchasing location with thousands of oil paintings for you to choose. And you can Online order any tine. Contact US TEL:+86 0592 5590821 13400671689 Mr XU 2008/02/23